Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Lordy Lordy King

Some time earlier:
My mind touched upon a thought,
It stroked an impression – a notion?
No, it’s a musing it’s more of a -
More of an -
More of the –
More of uh –
I’m sorry imsorry
It comes and it goes and it goes and it grows like a plantwithnonoseandakingandakingfrompekingcakefrostingisbetterinbrown
And yet –
A Prince had a spiritual kind of carnal knowledge with my mind
and he spoke:

“the flesh of a brain is a (possibly frankly speaking as) possibly speaking as frankly (fleshy brains make fleshy thoughts) without brains the My Lordy Lordy King would (disintegration is frankly well frankly well) frankly well (frankly well) flesh of brain and the flesh of my Lordy Lordy King is production of art the production of artists the fleshy procreation of fleshy brains (it’s the putting the pen on the paper) the pen on the paper the ink on the finger the finger on the thought on the thought on the finger on the thought that he touched upon (the brain with the thought touched upon “Some time earlier:”?) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. I promise you. That’s the impressionalthoughtful production of a fleshy, Lordy, fleshy&beautiful brain.”

What he said.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. These words, beautiful. This message, beautiful. Your soul, beautiful.
