Sunday, August 5, 2012

Buford (Draft from Sept 2011)

Meditating carefully at the expense of his sanity,
Buford recollects a past life he wishes he never wished for,
That muddy reminiscence of a purgatory
More alien than he can remember remembering

He was
The Beluga Whale
Wished aloud and Washed ashore
Stomped on
By the children of Frisian Kings
He passively watched
In that halfway life
As they stomped his brains out

but His
soul remained on the beaches of Normandy
Centuries before eisenhower so artfully
Planned his invasion

his Soul looked on
through decades of madness:
Viking battles
Vicious rapes
and some nude wanderer receiving a Frisian Manscape
So tight and cold
Upon that frigid landscape

Flash forward
Buford is born again the son of an automotive speculator
Stripped of his former enlightenment
And left out to dry on the sunbaked roof of a ford taurus

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Best Fuck That I Never Had

They sold me out
And roughed my skin
"Expose the meat that lies within!"

They kept me calm
And held me still
And whispered all the while: "Chill".

They filled me up
And poured me out
"Relinquish him, his former doubt".

They oiled my boob
And rubbed my gland
And promised me the "promised land".      ---> (Lexington KY)

They fixed my face
And wrote my coach
And told him I had points to broach.

I couldn't shout
I couldn't scream
I didn't want to wake the team.

As ghostly tendrils
Stroked my nips
A tremor started in my hips.

A pleasure stronger
Than before
Began to ooze from every pore.

I flailed as if
My skin was burned
As passion's tender longing churned.

The exultations
In my bones
Could hardly render earthly moans. 

As Parker snored
Above my bunk
I felt them butter up my junk.

Yet right before
My loins erupted
Blissful Coitus, interrupted.

Demons vanished
Neath' my bed
And naked left me, soaking, red.

I cried in pain
At what was done
Glanced at the hour, nearly one.

In agony
I woke up Chad

"Best Fuck That I Never Had".

Based on the true events of Jerry Sandusky at Colombus Ohio Pee Wee Football camp, August 1957.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rock N Roll Attic

My Rock N Roll addict Dad's Rock N Roll attic
is dank and dusty since Dad overdosed 
on Rock N Roll.

My Heavy Metal mother packed up her leather
and put it with my Dad's eternal shrine
to Rock N Roll.

Tonight, I'll turn on some musty Marshall
to launch the ether of some bass faced ghost
and  when my high E bends and breaks
and my vibrato tremolos like a screaming demon
 I'll head first stage dive into the arms
of my Dad's Rock N Roll.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Daytona 5000

Charlie's "Hot Rod" roared and ripped 
the face off father's big bad skull.
Now skulking faceless father walks
the dull dark track in bone black night,
fire water veins and fist fight urge,
a prolonged vomit, a bloody bout,
a wild moon and high speed life:
 a savage road rash sacrifice.

The Pubic Waking

The Monday after
that first stroke,
I stroked again
and made mad love
to the Frankfurt Boys,
a local band.